est. 1975

Cornish Fish Producers Organisation

The Cornish Fish Producers’ Organisation was established in 1975 by local fishermen from Cornwall.

We proudly represent members from all over Cornwall and beyond who make up one of the most sustainable and diverse fishing fleets in Europe.

Our members’ vessels range in size from open single-handed cove boats of around 5-metres in length to large (24 metre plus) beam trawlers and almost everything in- between.

The diversity in species landed is reflected in the gears and methods we use to catch them; including demersal-trawling, beam-trawling, gill-netting, tangle & trammel netting, potting, scallop dredging, ring netting, longlining and hand-lining.

Manage fishing opportunities on behalf of our members, ensuring the core objectives of profitability and sustainability are at the heart of our management strategies.​
Promote our members’ produce and aim to increase the unit value of our members’ catches by creating and researching new market opportunities.
Minimise discarding catches and maximise profitability by offering well-informed advice and guidance to our members.
Represent the collective views and opinions of our members at local, national and international level on all matters effecting them.


The Cornish Fish Producers Organisation (CFPO) was established in 1975


Meet our small and diverse team at CFPO


Cornwall’s fishing fleet provides the basis for around 40 million meals per year.

join us

By joining the CFPO, you become part of a united voice that represents the strength of the fishing industry.


Our members benefit from a wide range of services through the CFPO.