Fishing apprenticeship

The future of fishing depends on the next generation, but for young people outside the industry, it can be difficult to know where to begin or understand what fishing looks like as a career. For the industry to prosper long-term, the sector needs a clear professional pathway to a career at sea.

The fishing apprenticeship was developed by the CFPO and its trailblazing group, which includes the CFPO’s Youth Board, experienced skippers, catching businesses, and the Institute for Apprenticeship and Technical Education.

How did it start?

The CFPO Youth Board shaped the development process by sharing what they want from a fishing career, and any barriers they experienced when trying to join the industry. This, compiled with the skipper’s knowledge of working at sea, formed the foundation for the 18-month level 2 Fisher Apprenticeship.

What does the apprenticeship look like?

The 18-month level 2 Fisher apprenticeship carves out a clear professional pathway into the industry for young people, who are paid to learn and obtain qualifications. The apprenticeship prepares young people for a future in fishing, allowing them to build the knowledge and skills needed to understand the range of vessels and catching methods in use. The apprenticeship also covers practical skills such as engineering, navigation, and managing gear, and the important role of science and sustainability will be emphasised. Safety is also a top priority throughout the course, and apprentices will learn safety checks, drills, and equipment.

The CFPO worked together with the IfATE, NFFO, Maritime UK, South Devon College, East Coast College and Seafish to create this apprenticeship.

Want more information?

If you are an experienced skipper interested in taking on an apprentice, or if you would like to find out more about the apprenticeship please get in touch with Chris Ranford: