

This page is a dedicated holding page for your monthly quota bulletin. The bulletin ensures you have all the information needed to manage your quotas effectively and stay informed about any seasonal adjustments and allocations. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us directly.


The Cornish Fish Producers Organisation plays a vital role in managing quota for our members. Catch limits fluctuate throughout the year based on seasonality, fishing patterns, market conditions, and quota availability. The goal is to optimise quota usage while ensuring fair distribution.

We use a pooling system in which members contribute their quota entitlements to a common pool, which is then managed by the CFPO. This system provides maximum flexibility for member vessels. To make the best use of available quotas, the CFPO regularly supplements the pool through domestic and international quota swaps. Before the start of each month, member vessels receive a bulletin outlining their catch limits for all quota species.

The CFPO also recognises that some vessels may need additional quota to remain viable. To meet these needs, we secure extra quota from various sources, such as buying, leasing, swapping, borrowing, or gifting quotas. The success of this system is due to the cooperative and mutually responsible relationship between the CFPO and our members.

How We Support Under-10m Vessels

Many CFPO members fish against the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) under-10m quota pool. To support them, the CFPO liaises directly with MMO quota managers to offer advice and guidance on setting limits for under-10m vessels in the South West. Experience and knowledge from our under-10m member vessels are passed on in real time to guide and assist the MMO.

In addition, the CFPO has a seat on the MMO South West Quota Advisory Group, where we represent the interests of our members and ensure their voices are heard. We understand that some under-10m vessels may need extra quota to supplement the monthly MMO allocations. When this happens, the CFPO assists in securing additional quota from various sources to meet these needs.

Who is the Duchy Fish Quota Company?

The Duchy Fish Quota Company’s mission is to increase opportunities for Cornwall’s fishing fleet by purchasing and securing additional fish quotas. These quotas are then leased at affordable rates to current and future generations of Cornish fishermen, ensuring the longevity and prosperity of Cornwall’s catching sector.

The Cornish Fish Producers Organisation collaborates with the Duchy Fish Quota Company. Our partnership ensures that fish quotas are managed and utilised in ways that benefit local fishermen and sustain the industry for future generations.