Who are Seafood Cornwall Training?

SCT provides Seafish & MCA STCW 95 Approved Basic Safety Training courses to enable new entrants and experienced fishermen to meet the mandatory requirements for all crews of commercial fishing vessels registered in the UK.

Before starting work as a fisherman, the one day Basic Sea Survival Training must be the first course new entrants complete.

Within three months of starting work, all new entrant fishermen must complete the following additional courses:

  • 1 day Basic Fire Fighting and Prevention
  • 1 day Basic First Aid / Elementary First Aid STCW 95
  • 1 day Basic Health and Safety

In addition to the courses required of new entrants (above), all experienced fishermen, regardless of whether they hold a Certificate of Competency, must complete the following course:

1 day Safety Awareness and Risk Assessment

Upon completion of this course, experienced fishermen are recommended to apply to Seafish for an Experienced Fisherman photo identification card verifying their compliance with this requirement.

Funding is available for experienced fishermen who have completed their Safety Awareness course and wish to take refresher basic safety training.

SCT also offers the Seafish three-week Introduction to Commercial Fishing course for new entrants to the fishing industry. The course consists of two weeks shore-based training (covering safety, gear and catch handling, net mending, rope work and navigation) and one week of mandatory safety courses (Sea Survival, Fire Fighting, First Aid, Health and Safety) and the Seafish Basic Fishing Vessel Stability course.

Click here to find out more about the course and the next available training dates.