The CFPO has a Board of Directors that are democratically elected to represent members. They are there to ensure that the organisation is run in a non-discriminatory and democratic manner, to reflect & raise issues/concerns and hold to account the CFPO executive officers on behalf of the members at regular CFPO Board meetings.
Beam Trawl, Trawl, Ring Net, Gill Net, Tangle/Trammel Net, Pot, Handline fishermen are all represented on the CFPO Board.
Under-10m and Over-10m vessels, Inshore and Offshore vessels are all represented on the CFPO Board.
Items for CFPO Board agendas and discussions (and subsequently the agreed actions) come directly from members and are issues that impact on them either directly or indirectly.
There is often a broad range of issues and in-depth of discussion across the wide range of issues and challenges facing the fishing industry, reflecting the diverse membership of the CFPO.
Any member can be proposed or put themselves forward for election to the CFPO Board at an AGM in line with the CFPO rules.